Benefits Of Private Health Insurance In Scotland
Although our NHS plays a critical role in the UK health industry and its laudable primary target aims to provide anyone with appropriate treatment within 18 weeks of referral, it nevertheless remains a service that is under heavy pressure. Financial constraints created by an ageing population, the rising cost of advanced treatments, and inappropriate funding models have created a climate of NHS uncertainty. That, together with widespread political disagreement about the future shape of publicly funded health provision, has increased unease and doubt. Those seeking choice, peace of mind and the best care options, should remember that private medical insurance offers a sensible alternative to public health care (including private cancer cover), which guarantees speedy access to high-quality diagnosis and specialist treatment when you need it the most.
As well as the advantage of fast-track appointments, which bypass regulated time-frames and NHS uncertainty, private medical insurance also brings you a choice of location for your hospital treatment, plus the added luxury of your own private room and en-suite facilities. This not only ensures home comforts and welcome privacy during your stay, but will also allow you to stay in close contact with your family and friends – including unrestricted visiting times.